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Krystyna Suchwallo - Artworks
About Krystyna Suchwallo | Curriculum Vitae
Krystyna Suchwallo was born in 13 March 1958 in Vilnius (now Lithuania).In 1959 she moved to Poland with her parents and sister Nela.
Studied-State Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk. Graduation with honours in1986 from Prof.Sramkiewiczs class.
Dissertations issued at the annual exhibition of the best diplomas 1986 "Winner of the contest of painting"Bielska Jesień, 1991 "
She has participated in numerous exhibitions in Poland (collective and individual).
Works in many private collections in Germany,France, Holland,England, Japan,Austria, Poland, Sweden,Rusia and US.
Individual exhibitions in Sweden,Germany, Austria and France (at the head quarters of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg).
"In 1964 Professor Quentin Bell in his book "Crisis in the Humanities" wrote: "Public institutions such as Arts Council, British Council, radio and television, the great business world, press, churches, cinema and advertising take the side of nonconformist art. The audience, or at least a substantial and influential part of it, is ready to accept all kinds of arts and there is no such kind of painting eccentricity that would challenge, or even astonish the critics." I will not reinvent the wheel if I say that the situation of contemporary art exactly half a century later does not differ from the one described in the digression above, on the contrary, it is becoming mainstream. The global rat race has resulted with lack of art assessment criteria and the irrationality of critics’ attitude. However, there are artists performing alongside the revolutionary hustle and bustle and their personality helps us to focus on the contemplation of what surrounds us in our daily lives. That contemplative silence is an added value to any painting and allows the recipient to fulfil understanding the reality around us. Krystyna Suchwałło is one of those artists. In her paintings, created with unique subtle style, the colors, the shapes, the space and the composition constitute the energy and make them emanate with both peace and balance. Her experience as an artist comes from consequent creative path she is following where the hierarchy of importance of the painter’s values is most significant. Admiring her paintings one gets the impression as if she unintentionally and unwittingly shared her own complex and beautiful personality. This is the domain of artists who are not rushing anywhere, do not shock nor provoke. I am impressed with her artistic attitude in the world of art full of aggressive expression."
August 2015 Prof.Henryk Czesnik Academy of Fine Art /Gdansk
"Krystyna Suchwallo, one of the outstanding Polish landscape painters, studied painting at the Fine Arts Academy of Gdansk under the eminent artist-Professor Kazimierz Sramkiewicz. She is of Lithuanian descent: thirty generations of her family have always held in the highest regard the memory of their legendary ancestor-Prince Gedymin who lived as early as in the pagan times of Middle Ages. As befits a descendant of the family who once ruled the Great Princedom of Lithuania, she is a neoconservative. Her painting reflect a noble search for the beauty of natural and idyllic paradise. It is the world with could be seen during a magic, subcelestial flight. The most beautiful spaces open up like a dream before our eyes. We admire what human beings have always admired: Our Earth. We look at wild shores of the sea, steep rocks full of pathos and sublimeness, clouds witch havent been painted by anybody before. The artists virtuosity, her perfect technique and her sensitive eyes of a master recall the best tradition of both the French and English landscape paintings. Like Corot, Turner, she reacts to atmospheric phenomenons rather than architecture of landscape .Her fogs, dawns and twilights, her southern seas and northern fiords are the true poem woven from joy and nostalgia, power and weakness, pathos and pensiveness. Her pictures arent common landscapes. Her mountains are also beautiful sculptures and her oceans are impressive displays of firework, of sparkles and glitters, of sudden strokes of the brush illuminating like flashes. To the artist painting is everything. First of all its a mysterious ritual, during which she discovers like Theseus the secrets of Labyrinth. At the time of painting, listenig to the music without melody and rhythm, she put herself in an odd trans. She becomes her own medium. The painting space draws her into its interior. She stands on the thresholds of her pictures and then-like Bulhakows heroine passionately depicted in his Master and Margarita-she starts her flight to the lands of eternal beauty. It happened also to me: while looking at her pictures I got an irresistible feeling that I heard a sough of gentle breeze and smelled a sandy soil warmed by the sun ."
Gdansk 27th February 1989 Professor Czeslaw Tumielewicz
Unknown Track - Unknown Artist
00:00 / 00:00

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